I was kinda bored today and thought I could use a quick pick me up, so I headed over to MinistryWatch.com, a site that aims to protect unsuspecting consumers from donating to seedy televangelists. I did a search on The Christian Network a.k.a Worship Network a.k.a Praise TV Network and a quick glance of their financial statements show they've done quite well over the past few years. Touché Christian Network!
Those "Hymns of Hope" CDs must have been flying off the rack because from 2000 to 2004, the Christian Network had a revenue of $22,215,458! That's between $4 million and $5 million every year! except for 2001 which was a bad year all around. Even though the 2005 to 2008 financial statements aren't on Ministry Watch just yet, I can imagine that the Christian Network continues to do exceedingly well despite the economic crisis that has the rest of the world contemplating pawning their gold teeth for cash.
I think it's time that Televangelism be offered as a major in college...
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