Friday, January 16, 2009

Becoming Un-Gay is easy...

As I curiously opened an email with "Increase your lovestick" in the subject line, eyes up towards the ceiling, I wondered what kind of spam Televangelist Pat Robertson gets every day. I then wondered if I would be able to dig up some snazzy Pat Robertson clips. After 2 seconds of fast finger work, I came across a "Becoming an ex-gay" type of video created by the 700 Club.

Within the first 30 seconds Pat breaks it down: there was a militant lesbian who found jesus and stunned the gay community when she became Un-gay. She then resumed her post as magazine editor of a magazine named after a friend who had been allegedly murdered by her gay lover.

In the video, Charlene Cothran (a.k.a the militant lesbian) says that one day during a gay pride event, a sense of shame came over her; I tend to think it was caused by the hideous red and black flannel shirts she was wearing at the time. If I left the house wearing that, I would definitely be ashamed, unless of of course, I was off to chop down a tree in the mountains...but getting back to the video, Ms. Cothran, who is now living a life of celibacy, is dedicated to pulling people out of what she calls "the gay life" and insists that being Un-gay is better than any good music in a club or any gay pride parade.

Pat Robertson, who apparently views homosexuals as a group of people who have thrown their hands up and continue to sin just for the hell of it, believes that god loves all gays even though they will always have a gray ziggy cloud of confusion and turmoil hanging over them.

Most dissapointing is the lack of trannies prancing around dressed like ballerinas in the stock footage.

For a GLBT perspective on this story, visit:

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