It's no secret that regular Televangelist programming is often cheesy, bizarre and downright hilarious, but religous public access TV adds an extra dimension of creepiness to the mix. This may be due to lower viewership rates combined with show hosts who are not concerned about their image and reputation like the big wheels from God TV or TBN are. Whatever the reason, some things should never be broadcast, like this christian puppet show:
Please note: May contain explicit language at times
A few days ago, Oprah interviewed disgraced televangelist Ted Haggard about his meth infused, gay sex scandal and I couldn't help thinking about the things he said in the Jesus Camp Documentary condemning homosexuality.
Here's a short clip:
It tickles me to think that the whole time, he was buying meth from his male prostitute lover and getting it on in seedy motels...
This just in....well not really, it happened 2 years ago....but no that's not a typo; famous televangelist Joyce Meyer did in fact pay $23,000 for a marble toilet in November, 2007.
While LA senorita Meyer's taste in toilets shouldn't have been anybody's business, this tacky display of excess overflowed the bowl of common sense and actually precipitated an investigation into her finances by a U.S Senator...It also caused a storm of speculation among the common folk like myself, who simply could not come up with a valid justification no matter how hard we tried.
When I say I've watched a lot of late night religious TV, I mean I've watched A LOT of religious programming.... but somehow, I managed to miss this pearl:
Image from 'Scary Televangelist Hair'. Click on image to visit site.
Her name is Jan Crouch and along with her husband Paul, she owns one of the biggest religious TV networks: TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). She has the biggest hair of anybody I've ever known and she's always squeezing the hell out of the innocent little tissues that happen to be on her god table during one of her "prayers" and you know what, I absolutely adore her! CLICK HERE to visit the always interesting 'Scary Televangelist Hair' site and to learn more about La Senorita Jan Crouch...
Since I couldn't sleep, I schlepped out the camcorder and surfed the religious channels for a bit..I was immediately drawn to this guy:
Within the span of 1 minute, he says the words prophet and prophetize about 13 times! At one point, I began to feel as though he was prophetizing directly into my brain through the TV but he was just trying to sell his "prophecy" CD....
Then, the minute I turn around, he's in a room and everybody's pointing at his mouth:
I've combed the internet for televangelist gimmick videos and I've put together a few clips for your viewing pleasure. Now, a Rastafarian might say that the methods these televangelists use to get into your wallet are pure "TacTricks" and that they should be condemned to the fire or "Fi-yaaaa!!"
This is true.
These miracle healers are pushing everything from crackers to oil to water and one pastor even has a....well, you'll see.