Friday, October 16, 2009

Save yourself for only $24.95! Remembering Y2K televangelism...

Remeber the Y2K panic? When everyone secretly wondered if the world would collapse at midnight on December 31, 1999? Some people scoffed, some prepared for the impending doom by filling buckets and bathtubs with water and by hoarding twinkies, and televangelists went crazy selling end of times prophecy videos.

Jack Van Impe, A.K.A The Walking Bible, and his wife Rexella were two such televangelists. They strongly believed (or said they believed) that the world as we knew it would end on January 1, 2000 and they scurried to sell their "emergency" end of times video called '2000 Time Bomb' for $24.95. I don't know how a crummy video was supposed to save people but here's a clip of the Van Impes in action:

The Van Impes currently sell a video about the world ending in 2012 but this time they have phrased their paranoia in the form of a question, 'December 21st 2012-History's final day?' Better safe than sorry...

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